Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Am I funding animal testing by buying from Maybelline?

Maybelline is an offbranch of L'Oreal.

Maybelline isn't tested on animals, but L'Oreal is.

Maybelline speciffically says that they do NOT test on animals, but when I buy maybelline stuff, does some of my money go to L'Oreal and therefore to animal tests?Am I funding animal testing by buying from Maybelline?
No, their finances are kept separate. This is a standard business practice. It means that if Maybelline goes bankrupt then its creditors cannot claim from L'Oreal.

By buying Maybelline you are increasing the financial viability of a company that does not experiment on animals, if people like you boycott it you will reduce its financial viability and it will go bust. Thus reducing consumer's ability to choose to have a product that does not go near animals.Am I funding animal testing by buying from Maybelline?

They bastards!

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