Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I was think ing of buying that age rewind foundation by maybelline?

the thing is they have a new one that looks like a compact but also they have the other one with bottle and that new concealer too..

Has anyone tried it what do you think because i have a small issue with some fine lines and i want something that is going to blur them or somehow smooth them out a little..

I really think that the powder does do me any justice in the winter??Maybe I need liquid foundation.I was think ing of buying that age rewind foundation by maybelline?
I would try a primer first ..the purpose of the primer is to even ur face out. i'm 21 but i have lil lines under my eyes...always have..an i was searching around the net %26amp; came across the monistat chafing gel powder.its like 6 bucks %26amp; when i use it i dont have those lines anymore..but its hard to find that stuff bc so many girls are starting to use it as primer. moisturize really well too. all i use is powder foundation bc i suck at blending the liquid. concealer will jus gunk in ur lines an make them stand out more. sorry if i didnt answer ur question but i hope i helped atleast a bit.
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