Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do any of you ladies know if there is anywhere I can buy the old type Maybelline mascara-cake style-?

with a brush applicator? That always worked so much better on me than the ';wand'; kind. Just wondering, and thanks.Do any of you ladies know if there is anywhere I can buy the old type Maybelline mascara-cake style-?
Try www.VermontCountryStore.com I bet they have it.Do any of you ladies know if there is anywhere I can buy the old type Maybelline mascara-cake style-?
Vermont store carries EVERYTHING. You can even get Woodhue and Tigris perfume from them!!!


Some different brands:



I am interested in this type of mascara, too. It seemed to be easier to use than the new types. I hope somebody knows if any company is making it nowadays.
I found it, but I don't remember where. Could have been @ the Vermont Country Store online. Try googliing cake mascara. If that doesn't work, go to Maybelline's customer service and ask.
Wal Mart, Drug Store...maybe?
might try antique store.

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