Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BLUSH ON: I have a maybelline blush on and it's 3.5 years now since i bought it. Is it still ok to use it?

it still looks good to meBLUSH ON: I have a maybelline blush on and it's 3.5 years now since i bought it. Is it still ok to use it?
3 years is a long time for a makeup to stay too fresh.even if u cant see any discoloration,or smell.the blush could lose texture that is very essencial to its application.id buy a need one,u can also get an allergic reaction.BLUSH ON: I have a maybelline blush on and it's 3.5 years now since i bought it. Is it still ok to use it?
Most makeup, excluding mascara, last up to 24 months. I wounldn't recommend you use it.
no, thats pushing it, id say 2 years tops. firstly, the chemicals change and second, its most likely outdated and you should get something betetr and more in style.
I'd say it is still good.

Now, the other day I read an article about old make up and, the said that if it was older than a year or a year and a half, you should probable toss it.

If you don't want to do that, ask yourself this: does it smell funny? Does it lasts as long as it used to on your cheeks?

Good luck!
I would never ever , ever do that!!!
Your blush should still be fine. Especially if it is a powder blush. Powder blushes last almost indefinitely. If your blush smells or is discolored then discard it. Otherwise keep on using it.

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