Thursday, December 3, 2009

Which of these brands has the best eyeshadow - Maybelline, Revlon, Rimmel or CoverGirl?

Please justify your answer and include comparisons with the other brands i've listed if you can.Which of these brands has the best eyeshadow - Maybelline, Revlon, Rimmel or CoverGirl?
Honestly, I love all of them.. But if I had to choose I'd say either Rimmel or Cover Girl because they are cheaper for the most part. Rimmel has some really great colors as well. Love them all though.Which of these brands has the best eyeshadow - Maybelline, Revlon, Rimmel or CoverGirl?
maybelline as it does not give you a dramatic looks
why did you have to do this whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,i love them all,rimmel is cool i like how more edgey there make up is,more colors/variety to me,revlon is more sophisticated/classy looking stuff ,covergirl is more cute sweet simple soft and maybelline is classic/clean/preppy pretty contemporary looking
i think they are all good but id say maybelline is probably the best.
Rimmel for sure. If you use foundation, its good. it makes it aplies easier and stays on longer.
well it depends on your style.. Cover girl is more darker colors..

Maybellines has some limited colors that are super bright.. Revlon has some cool colors and higher- end colors that are worth the money. I really like their Sliver and black..Blue shadows.. Rimmel is okay.. not mine type. of make up...
Revlon and Maybeline.You can also try MAC.
Revlon or Maybelline. Can't decide. Not CoverGirl though. And I don't use Rimmel, so I don't know.

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